Adobe Sign for eSignatures

Adobe Sign Enterprise is now available to all schools and can be used to collect eSignatures on digitized forms. No more need for in person signatures. Adobe Sign Enterprise works with an internet connection and a web browser, including on iOS and Android devices. Signers do not need an account.

Learn how to use Adobe Sign here

Community Connections Playbook

The Community Connections Playbook provides guiding processes and tools to guide you in connecting with your families during eLearn at My School.

View the playbook here

Clever Dashboard

Site leaders now have access to Clever analytics that provide insights into student engagement with the various apps inside the Clever portal.

View Clever Dashboard Tutorial

Gaggle – Student Safety During eLearn

Students’ health and well-being remain a top priority, especially when students are not physically present on campus. Much like the supports and safety practices provided when they are on campus, it’s imperative those same resources are available to students in this new world of distance learning. As an added safety precaution, Fresno Unified has partnered with Gaggle to add additional safeguards while students are online using Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Office 365 email and OneDrive. Gaggle uses key phrases and tech ology to identify inappropriate language, bullying and harassment, inappropriate sexual content and even situations that might lead to self-harm. Gaggle service follows all state and federal laws protecting student privacy. Gaggle’s staff review and, where appropriate, notify a school administrator to provide necessary supports. If a school administrator is unavailable, Gaggle will contact local public safety in life threatening situations. School administrators provide responsive supports for students’ well-being and their continued growth.

Guest Accounts in Microsoft Teams

This document can be used to guide you through the process of bringing in outside partners into your Microsoft Team. Use cases for guest access include After School Programs, Student Mentors, Student Teachers, Vendor Partners, New Hires, and more. This document can also be used to learn the full process of creating a Microsoft Team, scheduling online meetings, and using breakout rooms.

Insights for Leaders in Microsoft Teams

Insights for Leaders allow site leaders to view school-wide analytics around student engagement in Microsoft Teams. Data can be viewed at the school or student level over custom time intervals. Click here for a one page tutorial.

Microsoft Teams Live Events

Use live events for larger online webinars with all student body or large community events greater than 250 people.

Substitute Teachers in Microsoft Teams

Click here for the most updated process for Substitute Teachers.

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